Subscription The way we watch movies is changing dramatically. Today, subscription services have become more and more popular. Users can access films without having to worry about their budgets, and as a result they can easily watch more movies. This new service brings new possibilities to the film industry.
According to the passage, why users of the subscription services can easily watch more movies?
Now, please look at the people in Picture A. They are doing different things. Tell me as much as you can about what they are doing.
Now, look at the man and the woman in Picture B. Please describe the situation.
Do you think it is a good idea to learn other languages in high school?
There are many news programs in Japan today. Do you usually watch news programs?
「Now, please look at the people in picture A. They are doing different things. Tell me as much as you can about what they are doing.」
などと問われます。誰が・どうしているという内容を満たした英文をつくりましょう。 No.3は、イラストBに関する質問です。イラストに描かれた場面がどういう状況かを説明する問題が出されます。 面接官から「Now, look at the (人) in picture B. Please describe the situation.」と問われます。原因と結果の両方を答えるよう心がけましょう。
No. 4では、問題カードの話題と関連のある内容について、あなた自身の意見を問われます。基本的に面接官から「Do you think…?」と質問されます。そして、”Yes.”と答えると”Why?”や”Please tell me more.”、”No.”と答えると”Why not?”とさらに質問されます。
No. 5では、問題カードの話題と関連のない内容について、あなた自身の意見を問われます。受検者自身についての質問です。「Do you like …?」「Are you interested in …?」などと尋ねられることが多く、これらの質問に対して、”Yes.”と答えると”Why?”や”Please tell me more.”、”No.”と答えると”Why not?”とさらに質問されます。
試験が終了したら、「問題カード」を必ず面接官に返してから退室してください。 面接官から「This is the end of the test.」と言われて試験終了となります。 「Could I have the card back, please?」 などと言われますので、明るく「Here you are.」 と言って問題カードを返しましょう。
退室後は、すみやかに会場から退場してください。控室に戻ったり、待機中の受験者と会話をしてはいけません。 面接官から「You may go.」などと言われたら、「Thank you. Goodbye.」 などと挨拶をして退室しましょう。 「Have a nice day.」 と声をかけられた場合は、「You too.」 などと、最後まで気を抜かず、明るいコミュニケーションを意識しましょう。
ピリオドやコンマ、For example や However などのつなぎ言葉に注意して、意味のまとまりを把握しておくと、音読がしやすくなります。
質問のされ方は基本的に「How …?」もしくは「Why …?」の2通りです。 「How …?」と聞かれた時は、「 By ~ing ~」を文頭につけて答えましょう。 「Why…?」と聞かれた時は、「Because〜」を文頭につけて答えましょう。 答える内容は、so,by doing so, in this wayの前にあることが多いです。
解答例 A woman is making an announcement. A man si painting a bench. A girl is walking up the stairs.
According to the passage, why users of the subscription services can easily watch more movies? ー Because they can access films without having to worry about their budgets.
Now, please look at the people in Picture A. They are doing different things. Tell me as much as you can about what they are doing. ーAn old man is watering flowers. ーA woman is playing with her dog. ーA woman is sitting on a bench. ーA man is running along a winding road.
Now, look at the man and the woman in Picture B. Please describe the situation. ーHe can’t take the test at school because he has caught a cold.
Do you think it is a good idea to learn other languages in high school? Yes → Why? ーHigh school students can acquire new knowledge. Also, they can be more interested in foreign cultures.
No → Why not? ーLearning a new language is not easy. They need to focus on other subjects.
There are many news programs in Japan today. Do you usually watch news programs? Yes → Please tell me more. ー I think watching news programs is very useful. I can get a lot of information every day.
No → Why not? ー I read a newspaper every day. Also, I read the news on the Internet.