

- Animal testing 動物実験
- Mass media マスコミ
- Artificial intelligence 人工知能
- raise environmental awareness 環境への意識を高める
- severe tax increase 厳しい増税
- aging society 高齢社会
- maternity (parental) leave 産休・育休
- child abuse 児童虐待
- data leak データの流出
- Genetically modified organism 遺伝子組み換え生物

「英検CSEスコア」は、CSE(Common Scale for English)の略で4技能の英語力を客観的に評価します。英検の合否はこのCSEスコアを元に決定します。
準1級の面接では4コマ漫画のナレーションと指示文が書かれたカードを使いますが、1級では5つのトピックが書かれたトピックカードを使います。 その上、準1級のQ&Aは1問1答ですが、1級は複数回のやりとりがあります。

- 日本語を話してしまう
1級の面接では日本を話すと減点されてしまいます。くれぐれも、全て英語で答案するように意識しましょう。 - 体調不良
体調不良では集中力や思考力が低下して、実力を発揮するのが難しくなるでしょう。 そのため、試験日を見据えて体調管理を徹底しておきましょう。 - 対策を十分にしていない
英検1級の面接は、英語が得意な人でも対策をせずに挑むのは厳しい試験です。 そこで、本番で実力を発揮するために、面接の流れや問題の傾向、採点基準などを把握していることが重要です。 - 沈黙してしまう
面接中に受け答えの際に5秒以上沈黙すると、面接官は次の質問に移ってしまいます。 そのため、間をもたせる表現や方法を覚えておきましょう。

問題 | 課題内容 | 問題数 |
自由会話 | 面接委員と簡単な日常会話を行う。 | – |
スピーチ | 与えられた5つのトピックの中から1つ選び、スピーチを行う。(2分間) | 1問 |
Q&A | スピーチの内容やトピックに関連した質問に答える。 | – |

- 科学の発展は常に有益か
- 芸術への財政的支援増加の是非
- 世界経済における日本の役割
- 選挙権の行使を義務化するべきか
- 遺伝子組み換え食品の安全性
- 公共の場における治安改善の必要性
- In what ways do you see cultural diversity being celebrated in your local community?
- Do you think the rapid development of technology has more positive or negative effects on society?
- In what ways do you think artificial intelligence will continue to evolve and shape our future?
- Do you think cultural assimilation is a positive or negative aspect of globalisation?
- How can individuals contribute to environmental sustainability in their daily lives?


- 1入室する
自分の名前が呼ばれるまで控え室で待機します。必ず「面接カード」を渡されるので、氏名・個人番号などを記入しましょう。 移動する際は、荷物をすべて持って移動します。自分の番がきたら係員の指示に従い、笑顔で挨拶をして入室します。
- 2「面接カード」を渡す
- 3着席
面接委員の指示に従い、着席しましょう。 柔らかい表情を浮かべたまま “Thank you“ と一言言うようにしましょう。
- 4氏名の確認と簡単な日常会話
面接委員に名前と受験級を聞かれます。その後、簡単な日常会話が行われます。 ここで話した内容は採点基準とはなりません。
- 5「トピックカード」を受け取る
- 6スピーチの考慮時間(1分間)
- 7スピーチ(2分間)
- 8Q&A(4分間)
- 9「トピックカード」を面接委員に返す
- 10退室
挨拶をして退室しましょう。 退室後は他の受験者と話したり、控え室に戻ったりすることはできません。


大前提、スピーチを話す際は、結論から話すことが重要です。 そのため、その結論を述べる際にこのようなフレーズが使えます。
- I am going to speak in favor of
私は~を支持する立場で話します - I would like to state that
私は~と述べたいと思います - I would like to argue that
私は~と主張したいと思います - I am going to speak for / against
私は~に賛成/反対の立場で話します - My position on …… is…
予想問題 解答例

In what ways do you see cultural diversity being celebrated in your local community?
“”In my local community, the celebration of cultural diversity is truly heartwarming. One of the most noticeable ways we celebrate diversity is through annual festivals that bring together people from various backgrounds, showcasing their traditions, food, and art. These festivals serve as an important scene for social interaction and understanding, connecting our community better.
Moreover, our local schools actively promote cultural exchange programs, allowing students to learn about different traditions and customs firsthand. It was very heartening to see children excitedly sharing their unique aspects of culture.
Additionally, community organisations often host cultural appreciation events, inviting speakers to share their experiences and stories. These gatherings provide a platform for open dialogue, breaking down stereotypes, and fostering a sense of unity.”
Do you think the rapid development of technology has more positive or negative effects on society?
“In the era of rapid technological advancement, the question of whether these changes bring more positive or negative effects to society is an often debated topic.
From a positive perspective, technology has undeniably improved our lives in various ways. The internet has democratised information, making knowledge accessible to a global audience. Communication has become instantaneous, connecting people across continents and fostering a sense of global community. Medical breakthroughs, facilitated by technology, have enhanced healthcare, increasing life expectancy and improving the quality of life for many.
On the negative side, automation and artificial intelligence threaten certain jobs, leading to unemployment and economic inequality. In addition, technological improvements have raised worries about privacy, and online security.
In conclusion, the impact of technology on society is a double-edged sword. While it has brought definite benefits, it is crucial to address the negative sides of technology as well. Balancing the positive and negative aspects of technology is essential for creating a future where innovation enhances our lives without leaving anyone behind.
In what ways do you think artificial intelligence will continue to evolve and shape our future?
“As technology advances, artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly influential in shaping our future.
Firstly, AI is expected to transform industries by automating tasks and improving efficiency. This could lead to changes in the job market, with new roles emerging and existing ones evolving as technology becomes more integrated into various sectors.
Secondly, the impact of AI in healthcare is very promising. With advanced algorithms, AI can analyse vast amounts of medical data quickly, aiding in faster and more accurate diagnoses. This has the potential to revolutionise personalised medicine and increase access to quality healthcare.
However, ethical considerations surrounding AI must be carefully addressed. Issues like privacy, fairness, and the potential displacement of jobs need thoughtful solutions to ensure that the benefits of AI are equitably distributed.
In conclusion, the evolution of artificial intelligence holds immense potential to shape our future positively. However, it is also crucial to think about the ethical challenges and ensure that AI contributes positively to the future
Do you think cultural assimilation is a positive or negative aspect of globalisation?
“Globalisation has sparked debates about the impact of cultural assimilation. Some argue that it’s a positive force, while others contend otherwise.
On the positive side, cultural assimilation can promotes understanding and harmony among communities. The exchange of ideas, traditions, and values can create a global understanding of our shared humanity. Exposure to different cultures can broaden our perspectives, leading to increased tolerance and cooperation on a global scale.
However, there’s a flip side. Critics argue that the pressure to conform to a global culture might lead to the loss of unique traditions and practices. The fear is that smaller cultures might be overshadowed by dominant ones, risking the homogenization of our rich cultural diversity.
In conclusion, whether cultural assimilation in the context of globalisation is positive or negative depends on how we navigate the balance. It is essential to preserve the uniqueness of each culture while finding ways to build bridges and foster understanding between them.
How can individuals contribute to environmental sustainability in their daily lives?
“Environmental sustainability is a crucial responsibility that each of us can and should actively address in our daily lives.
First is to reconsider energy consumption. Switching to energy-efficient appliances, turning off lights when not needed, and reducing water usage are simple habits that make a big difference. To add on, conserving energy not only lowers our bills but also reduces our carbon footprint.
Second is to rethink our waste habits. Recycling materials like paper, plastic, and glass helps decrease the amount of waste in landfills. Additionally, consider composting organic waste, reducing the need for disposal and enriching the soil which can be helpful for the environment
Another key aspect is being mindful of our consumption. We should choose sustainable products, and support businesses with eco-friendly practices. Small changes in our habits can contribute to less environmental impact.


おすすめの参考書は「完全攻略! 英検(R)1級二次試験」です。この参考書にはスピーチや質疑応答で使いやすい表現がたくさん載っています。ただし、スピーチの模範解答は肯定か否定のどちらか一方しかないので注意が必要です。
他にも、「英検1級 面接大特訓」この参考書には、実際に使える使いやすいフレーズ集があります。特にさまざまなテーマに関して、本番でも使いやすいフレーズが多いのという点が特徴的です。
英検1級の面接試験は、自由会話、スピーチ、Q&Aの3つから構成されており、スピーチは5つのトピックから好きなものを選ぶ形式です。 その勉強法として普段から独り言やオンライン英会話を使用して自分のスピーキング力を本質的に伸ばすよう努力することが一番の対策だとされています。