A New Means of Transportation The carbon dioxide emitted by cars leads to global warming. We need sustainable ways to continue to travel comfortably. Nowadays, some automakers have been creating electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles, and by doing so they aim to create earth-friendly modes of transportation. However, the high price of such vehicles and their inability to travel long distances have become a problem.
Your story should begin with this sentence: One day, Mr. and Mrs. Yamada were talking at a curry restaurant.
No. 1. According to the passage, how some automakers aim to create earth-friendly modes of transportation?
No.2. Now, please look at the picture and describe the situation. You have 20 seconds to prepare. Your story should begin with the sentence on the card.
(20 seconds later)
Please begin.
Now, M.r / M.s — , please turn over the card and put it down.
No. 3. Some people say that self-driving technology is too dangerous.What do you think about that?
No. 4. Today, many working people are working remotely. Do you think more people will work from home in the future?
面接官から「問題カード」を裏返すように指示されます。これ以降は、「問題カード」を見ずに答えます。 「Please turn over the card and put it down. 」などと言われたら、問題カードを裏返すようにしましょう。
受験者自身の意見を問う質問 (No. 3, No. 4)
No. 3では、問題カードの話題と関連のある内容について、あなた自身の意見を問われます。「Some people say that ….」などと1つの意見を紹介し、「What do you think about that? 」と質問するパターンが多いことが特徴です。
No. 4では、問題カードの話題とは関連が全くない内容について、あなた自身の意見が問われます。通常、面接官からはまず 「Today,」 /「 These days,」 などの表現を使って、現在の社会現象について説明されます。そのあと 「Do you think …?」 と、意見を尋ねられるのが一般的なパターンです。
試験が終了したら、「問題カード」を必ず面接委員に返してから退室してください。 面接官から「This is the end of the test.」と言われて試験終了となります。 「Could I have the card back, please?」 などと言われますので、明るく「Here you are.」 と言って問題カードを返しましょう。
ピリオドやコンマ、For example や However などのつなぎ言葉に注意して、意味のまとまりを把握しておくと、音読がしやすくなります。
質問のされ方は基本的に「How …?」もしくは「Why …?」の2通りです。「How …?」と聞かれた時は、「 By ~ing ~」を文頭につけて答えましょう。 「Why…?」と聞かれた時は、「Because〜」を文頭につけて答えましょう。 答える内容は、so,by doing so, in this wayの前にあることが多いです。
No. 1. According to the passage, how some automakers aim to create earth-friendly modes of transportation? ー By creating electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles.
No. 2. Now, please look at the picture and describe the situation. You have 02 seconds to prepare. Your story should begin with the sentence on the card. ーOne day, Mr. and Mrs. Yamada were talking at a curry restaurant. Mr. Okuda said to his wife, “’I’m going to try the new curry set.” Ten minutes later, the waitress then served the food to her husband. Mr. Okuda’s wife said “she would like to try a bite herself.” After eating it, Mr. and Mrs. Okuda suffered from the spiciness of the dish. Mr. Okuda’s wife suggested that they order ice cream.
No. 3. Some people say that self-driving technology is too dangerous.What do you think about that? ーI agree. The function of AI is not perfect. As a result, sad accidents may happen. ーI disagree. I think AI can drive safer than humans. They don’t fall asleep while driving like humans do.
No. 4. Today, many working people are working remotely. Do you think more people will work from home in the future?
Yes → Why? ーThey can work from the comfort of their homes. Also, I think they will have more time to spend with their families.
No → Why not? ーI think it is difficult for them to communicate with each other. Also, they also feel more isolated.